By admin - Friday, October 11th, 2019
You start the day by drinking a couple chilled beers with your closest 15 mates, you thereafter all get into a bus and make your way to the closest gocart track. You spin a few laps in your double engine carts, have a bbq and a few more beers. You thereafter head back to the rented holiday villa where you will soon have strippers coming to entertain you during your bucks-party. You are excited because you really want your best mate to have the time of his life; after all, its his last night of freedom right?! Problem is, this isn’t your first bucks party and you have seen both sides of what bucks parties can be. They can be the kind that are going off, where everyone is having a great time, the Perth strippers are HOT and friendly and there are absolutely no dramas. But then there are also those bucks-parties where the sexy strippers seem cranky, there’s an odd atmosphere and it seems as the strippers just want to leave. Since neither you or me want the latter scenario I will supply you with a list of how to behave and most importantly, what not to say to female strippers Perth.
To make things easy, behaviours and language is below divided into relevant categories.
What not to say: | What not to do: |
Don’t ask for sex, bl#wjobs or insinuate other girls there does them. Its just insulting and you are embarrassing yourself. | Don’t touch her ass or boobs. |
Don’t comment on her looks unless its positive. We don’t like to hear that you prefer someone else or that you found a cellulite. Noones perfect so lets all just get over it. | Under no circumstance are you to insert anything in her. |
Don’t bring up money or us being overpaid. | Don’t take any pictures or recordings. |
Don’t play the game: who can make the stripper cry. It’s a bad bad game and its NOT fun. |
So taken together, the sexy female strippers of Perth are going to be friendly, fun and flirty as long as you aren’t an asshole. We don’t like assholes or assault so just keep your fingers to yourself and we shall be everything you dreamed of. That bucks party will go off without a hatch and everyone will be super-impressed of your organisation skills!
Why do we do it?
“Are you a stripper? REALLY?!!! You don’t seem like the type”. This is a question I dare say almost 90 % of strippers get. What a stripper is exactly is a whole different question (and covered elsewhere) but I think its safe to say that what the general population may think a stripper is and what a stripper actually is are different. So with all occupations there is obviously a risk involved. As a dentist you are more likely than other occupations to commit suicide, as a farmer you are likely to get injured by heavy machinery / animals, in an office you are likely to get paper-cuts. As a stripper there’s social stigma as well as the risk of lots of scary situations such as assault and robbery. So why do we do it then? In comparison to paper-cuts, assault seems pretty bad. Why would we put ourselves at risk when there clearly is one?
Here’s a compilation of common responses of the Perth strippers I personally know and love.
· I love going to parties!
· Love socializing and meeting new people.
· Talk to cute guys.
· Get to travel and see new places.
· Very flexible.
· Good $$.
· Im very comfortable in my body so love showing it off.
· Attention.
· Be someone else for a night.As you can see, there are lots of reasons to why we do what we do but its all based on us being very outgoing and social creatures and we just want to have fun. Female strippers Perth are always just looking for a good time.
admin - Friday, October 11th, 2019
admin - Friday, October 11th, 2019
admin - Friday, October 11th, 2019
admin - Friday, October 11th, 2019
admin - Friday, October 11th, 2019
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