By admin - Friday, October 11th, 2019
My time spent as a Perth Stripper got me thinking how times have changed and how much behind the scenes work there is in preparing for the week’s work. There is just so much more pre-preparation for the strippers and waitresses.
There’s the weekly tanning , the fingernails and toenails always looking freshly painted and manicured, making sure the hair is perfectly styled just to name a few. Then you have to choose and apply the right make up so it stays on all night, while you are dancing around getting hot and sweaty or serving drinks, not to mention running from job to job.
Then there is the waxing, shaving and/or lasering…… personally I prefer the lasering as it barely grows back and not as hard to maintain as the shaving and waxing is. Then it’s making sure all your costumes are together with no pieces missing. You need to carry a few of those depending what the client has requested, especially if there are multiple jobs booked for sexy female strippers on the night. Also sometimes stuff gets lost or damaged or drinks spilt on them, I think you can imagine…..
Not to forget the hours rehearsing and training the routine, putting together the right music is much easier these days with the ipods then back in the day. Then the strippers had many scratched cds and always had to carry backups.
The strippers of today are lucky to have the GPS rather than the Melways (remember those days??) So back in the day being an organised stripper with many jobs in one night meant that you had to sit there in the morning with the street directory and write out every direction street to street( turn left here then right there….. etc) . There was usually no time to stop between the stripping jobs so you had to have back up food and drinks in the car as sometimes you were doing 12 hr days. Ahh….the good old days……..are just like today, just a different but still busy and filled with fun.
admin - Friday, October 11th, 2019
admin - Friday, October 11th, 2019
admin - Friday, October 11th, 2019
admin - Friday, October 11th, 2019
admin - Friday, October 11th, 2019
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