xx Sexy Strippers Hairdressers | Sexy Summer Strip

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Sexy Strippers Hairdressers

By admin - Friday, October 11th, 2019

We are happy to announce here at Sexy Summer Strip that a number of our Perth strippers are qualified hairdressers, so we can now offer skimpy and topless haircuts in the convenience  of your own home or workplace. Just think how wonderful it’s going to be when you have a beer or wine in your hand, you are laid back in the chair feeling relaxed and one of our gorgeous girls is updating your hair style with either trim or cut  or a new style. Can you imagine how great you’ll feel with one of our sexy skimpy or topless hairdressesrs?Here are some top tips to get you startedSit down and discuss with our hairdressers what you hope to achieve, feel free to show them pictures and the sort of style you want and you can even ask our Perth sexy strippers their advice.If you already have your hair styled, just let our skimpy and topless hairdressers know so they can keep the same style as you like.It’s best to book an appointment with our Perth female strippers as there are only a few that are qualified hairdressers. So book early so you won’t be disappointed.Our Perth strippers who are qualified hairdressers have cut loads of different haircuts so you can feel at ease. You are going to have a great new haircut with a gorgeous skimpy or topless it just does not get much better than that.For pricing and appointments, please phone us here at Sexy Summer strip  and we will be ever so happy to help you out xxxx

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