xx Tag: strippers Perth | Sexy Summer Strip

Hot Summer Bodies for All Occasions

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Private party strippers

By admin - Friday, October 11th, 2019

They say that stereotypes exist for a reason and are built on some unquestionable and definite truth. This may in fact be true, but in my 8 years of existing in the stripper world I haven’t seen much of what a stripper is “supposed to be”. Maybe the industry is changing and so are the …

Code of Conduct

By admin - Friday, October 11th, 2019

You start the day by drinking a couple chilled beers with your closest 15 mates, you thereafter all get into a bus and make your way to the closest gocart track. You spin a few laps in your double engine carts, have a bbq and a few more beers. You thereafter head back to the …

Sexy Strippers Hairdressers

By admin - Friday, October 11th, 2019

We are happy to announce here at Sexy Summer Strip that a number of our Perth strippers are qualified hairdressers, so we can now offer skimpy and topless haircuts in the convenience  of your own home or workplace. Just think how wonderful it’s going to be when you have a beer or wine in your …

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