xx Tag: Strippers Perth sexy | Sexy Summer Strip

Hot Summer Bodies for All Occasions

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Code of Conduct

By admin - Friday, October 11th, 2019

You start the day by drinking a couple chilled beers with your closest 15 mates, you thereafter all get into a bus and make your way to the closest gocart track. You spin a few laps in your double engine carts, have a bbq and a few more beers. You thereafter head back to the …

Great Night

By admin - Thursday, September 19th, 2019

A few weeks ago some of the lucky strippers got to work for one of our most amazing clients. The client wishes to remain anonymous, he’s been a loyal client and has been booking our Perth Strippers of Sexy Summer Strip since 2007. He is thoughtful, kind and generous so our girls love it when they get …

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